2017年4月23日 星期日

Some Ongoing KBS/Ontology Projects and Groups

useful Ontology and KR collections
and additional systems under Knowledge Acquisition Tools.
  • Ontology Learning Tools - Automated/assisted techniques for building an ontology. Also see a good survey of ontology learning methods and techniques (OntoWeb deliverable 1.5, A. Gomez-Perez, D. Manzano-Macho).
  • The New Ontology of the Mental Causation Debate - an AHRC (Arts & Humanities Research Council) funded research project, attempting to frame the debate with more metaphysical precision, and explore the consequences of that reframing (Univ Durham, UK).
  • Ontology Merging Tools - See Chimera and PROMPT. Also see Carter, a tool for helping experts build a consensus KB.
  • Ontologies - Dealing with multiple ontologies - See InfoQuilt.



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