2017年4月23日 星期日

Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW)

一個有關semantic web和knowledge engineering的研究群,http://aksw.org/About.html

hosted by the Chair of Business Information Systems (BIS) of the Institute of Computer Science (IfI) / University of Leipzig as well as the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI).

  • Development of methods, tools and applications for adaptive Knowledge Engineering in the context of the Semantic Web
  • Research of underlying Semantic Web technologies and development of fundamental Semantic Web tools and applications
  • Maturation of strategies for fruitfully combining the Social Web paradigms with semantic knowledge representation techniques

AKSW is committed to the free software, open source, open access and open knowledge movements.


The following subgroups belong to AKSW

  • Adaptive Information and Knowledge Engineering
    • Agile collaborative requirements engineering
    • Creation and evolution of knowledge bases from legacy databases
    • Software product-line engineering
    • Vocabulary alignment
  • Emergent Semantics
    • Agile Knowledge Engineering
    • Distributed / Federated Social Networks
    • Linked Data
    • Semantic Software Engineering
    • Semantic Web Infrastructure
  • Knowledge Integration and Linked Data Technologies
    • Data Engineering
    • Data Integration
    • Data-driven Artificial Intelligence
    • DBpedia
    • Knowledge Engineering
    • Language Technology
  • Machine Learning and Ontology Engineering
    • Creating knowledge bases from weakly structured data
    • Quality assurance and enhancement in ontologies
    • Semi-automatic instance matching
    • Supervised Machine Learning in OWL/RDF knowledge bases
  • Semantic Abstraction
    • Knowledge Access, e.g., keyword-based search, question answering, and interfaces
    • Knowledge Extraction, e.g., extraction of RDF and OWL from unstructured data
    • Knowledge Integration, e.g., link discovery and linked data fusion
    • Knowledge Storage, e.g., federated queries, triple stores
    • Knowledge-Driven applications, e.g., industry 4.0, big data, benchmark



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