2017年4月24日 星期一

A Brief Survey of Ontology Development Methodologies

The Recent Pace of Ontology Development Appears to Have Waned

Some of the leading methodologies, presented in rough order from the oldest to newest, are as follows:

Cyc – this oldest of knowledge bases and ontologies has been mapped to many separate ontologies. See the separate document on the Cyc mapping methodology for an overview of this approach [9]
TOVE (Toronto Virtual Enterprise) – a first-order logic approach to representing activities, states, time, resources, and cost in an enterprise integration architecture [10]
IDEF5 (Integrated Definition for Ontology Description Capture Method) – is part of a broader set of methodologies developed by Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. [11]
ONIONS (ONtologic Integration Of Naive Sources) – a set of methods especially geared to integrating multiple information sources [12], with a particular emphasis on domain ontologies
COINS (COntext INterchange System) – a long-running series of efforts from MIT’s Sloan School of Management [13]
METHONTOLOGY – one of the better known ontology building methodologies; however, not many known uses [14]
OTK (On-To-Knowledge) was a methodology that came from the major EU effort at the beginning of last decade; it is a common sense approach reflected in many ways in other methodologies [15]
UPON (United Process for ONtologies) – is a UML-based approach that is based on use cases, and is incremental and iterative [16].

Ontology Engineering from Simperl et al.

Ontology Tools and Framework from Corcho et al.




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