Some of the leading methodologies, presented in rough order from the oldest to newest, are as follows:
Cyc – this oldest of knowledge bases and ontologies has been mapped to many separate ontologies. See the separate document on the Cyc mapping methodology for an overview of this approach [9]
TOVE (Toronto Virtual Enterprise) – a first-order logic approach to representing activities, states, time, resources, and cost in an enterprise integration architecture [10]
IDEF5 (Integrated Definition for Ontology Description Capture Method) – is part of a broader set of methodologies developed by Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. [11]
ONIONS (ONtologic Integration Of Naive Sources) – a set of methods especially geared to integrating multiple information sources [12], with a particular emphasis on domain ontologies
COINS (COntext INterchange System) – a long-running series of efforts from MIT’s Sloan School of Management [13]
METHONTOLOGY – one of the better known ontology building methodologies; however, not many known uses [14]
OTK (On-To-Knowledge) was a methodology that came from the major EU effort at the beginning of last decade; it is a common sense approach reflected in many ways in other methodologies [15]
UPON (United Process for ONtologies) – is a UML-based approach that is based on use cases, and is incremental and iterative [16].