2016年11月28日 星期一

Who knows why ontologies are so hidden ?

Ontologies are structural frameworks for organizing information and are used as knowledge representation. Ontology management supports and expands data modeling methodologies to exploit the business value locked up in information silos. Information leaders must embrace this emerging trend.”
Guido De Simoni - Gartner (23/02/2015)

In short, ontologies become increasingly crucial for several domains and especially for domains which are always more investigated :
  • Knowledge Management, where ontologies allow a clear, deep and shared understanding of any knowledge domain ...
  • Semantic Web, where ontologies can give meaning to published data ...
  • Big Data, where ontologies allow semantic integration across several data sources ...
  • Software Engineering, where ontologies can play the role of a formal business specification ...
  • Artificial Intelligence, where ontologies can represent required knowledge for reasoning ...
  • Robotics, where ontologies can help robots to be aware about their environment ...



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