2016年11月7日 星期一

The cognitive platform

These cognitive services can be fueled by publically available web and social data, your own private information, or data you acquire from data partners or others. The APIs on this platform can be grouped into four categories:
  • Language: A set of APIs including, but not limited to, classifying natural language text, conversations, entity extraction, semantic concept extraction, document conversion, language translation, passage retrieval and ranking, relationship extraction, tone analysis, and so on.
  • Speech: A set of APIs for converting speech to text and text to speech, including the ability to train with your own language models.
  • Vision: APIs to find new insights, derive significant value, and take meaningful action from images.
  • Data Insights: Pre-enriched content (for example, news and blogs) with natural language processing to allow for highly targeted search and trend analysis.
Each of these APIs can perform a different task, and in combination they can be adapted to solve numerous business problems or create deeply engaging experiences. When you combine these cognitive services and overlay with (traditional) data analytics capabilities, it facilitates for complex discoveries, predictive insights, and engines to carry the decisions that are driven by the insights.
Graph showing unstructured data moving to knowledge



Types of Bots: An Overview

Learn more about all the different varieties of bots, and what they can do for you http://botnerds.com/types-of-bots/ In this articl...