2017年5月9日 星期二

Semantic Web vs. semantic technology

Semantic Web Technologies course 

Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies (許多課程投影片)

Transformation of ZML schemas and XML data to RDF/OWL

XML SchemaPlus Specification
This document presents a specification of XML SchemaPlus (XSP) for describing the layout of an XML document in such a way that RDF/OWL semantics can be retained.

Semantic University

Some examples of semantic technologies include natural language processing (NLP), data mining, artificial intelligence (AI), category tagging, and semantic search.

Semantic Web technologies include:

  • a flexible data model (RDF),
  • schema and ontology languages for describing concepts and relationships (RDFS and OWL),
  • a query language (SPARQL),
  • a rules language (RIF),
  • a language for marking up data inside Web pages (RDFa),
  • and more.



Types of Bots: An Overview

Learn more about all the different varieties of bots, and what they can do for you http://botnerds.com/types-of-bots/ In this articl...