2017年3月30日 星期四

BigML Releases


Our Fall 2016 release brings Topic Models, the latest resource that helps you easily find thematically related terms in your text data. Discover BigML’s implementation of the underlying Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) technique, one of the most popular probabilistic methods for topic modeling tasks. This resource is included in our FREE version and it is accessible from the BigML Dashboard as well as the API. Topic Models not only help you better understand and organize your collection of documents, but also can improve the performance of your models for information retrieval tasks, collaborative filtering, or when assessing document similarity.

WhizzML is a new domain-specific language for automating Machine Learning workflows, implementing high-level Machine Learning algorithms, and easily sharing them with others. WhizzML offers out-of-the-box scalability, abstracts away the complexity of underlying infrastructure, and helps analysts, developers, and scientists reduce the burden of repetitive and time-consuming analytics tasks.



Types of Bots: An Overview

Learn more about all the different varieties of bots, and what they can do for you http://botnerds.com/types-of-bots/ In this articl...