- topic: a multinomial distribution over words that represents a coherent concept in text.
- aspect: a multinomial distribution over words that represents a more speci c topic in reviews, for example,"lens" in camera reviews.
- senti-aspect: a multinomial distribution over words that represents a pair of aspect and sentiment, for example, "screen, positive" in a laptop review.
- affective word: a word that expresses a feeling, for example "satisfied", "disappointed".
- evaluative word: a word that expresses sentiment by evaluating an aspect, for example, "excellent", "nice".
- general evaluative word: an evaluative word that expresses a consistent sentiment every time it is used, for example, "good", "bad".
- aspect-specific evaluative word: an evaluative word that may express di erent sentiments depending on the aspect, for example, a "small" font size on a monitor that is hard to read vs. a "small" vacuum that is portable.
- sentiment word: a word that conveys sentiment. It is either an a ective word, general evaluative word, or aspect-speci c evaluative word.
source: Jo and Oh, WSDM'11.